dr Milovan Milivojević
Kabinet: 203, Odsek Užice, Akademije Zapadna Srbija
tel: 031/512 013, 513-385
e-mail: link
dr Milovan Milivojević, rođen u Užicu.
Izvod iz objavljenih radova:
- Ma Y., Stopic S., Gronen L., Milivojevic M., Obradovic S., Friedrich B., Neural Network Modeling for the Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Eudialyte Concentrate by Dry Digestion and Leaching, Metals 2018, 8, 267; doi:10.3390/met8040267, pp. 1-22, ISSN 2075-4701, www.mdpi.com/journal/metals (M21/М22); M21 in category Material science, M22 in category Interdiscipliry science, IF(2016) -1.984, IF(5 year)-1.926
- Stojanovic B., Milivojevic M., Milivojevic N., Antonijevic D., Self-tuning system for dam behavior modeling based on evolving artificial neural networks, Advances in engineering software, July 2016, vol. 97, pp. 85-95, ISSN: 0965-9978. (M21a/M21); M21a in category Computer science, Software Engineering, M21 in category Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, IF(2020)-4.141, IF(5 year)-7.187
- Stojanovic B., Milivojevic M., Ivanovic M., Milivojevic N., Divac D., Adaptive system for dam behavior modeling based on linear regression and genetic algorithms, Advances in engineering software, (2013), vol. 65, pp. 182-190, ISSN: 0965-9978 (M21a/M21);M21a in category Computer science, Software Engineering, M21 in category Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, IF(2020)-4.141, IF(5 year)-7.187
- Milivojevic M., Stopic S., Friedrich B., Stojanovic B., Drndarevic D. (2012): Computer Modeling of High Pressure Leaching Process of Nickel Laterite by Design of Experiments and Neural Networks, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Volume 19, Number 7, July 2012, 584-595, ISSN: 1674-4799 (M22), M22 IF(2020)-2.232, IF(5 year)-1.931
- Milivojevic M., Stopic S., Stojanovic B., Drndarevic D., Bernd F., Forward stepwise regression in determining dimensions of forming and sizing tools for self-lubricated bearings, METTAL Internationalle Fachzeitschrift fur metallurgie, April, 2013, Vol. 67, pp. 147-153, ISSN 0026-0746
- Drndarevic D., Milivojevic M., Modelling with neural networks, Journal of Mechatronics, Vol. 2., No. 2., June 2014., (143-146)
- Milivojevic M., Obradovic S. Kurcubic J. Djokovic K., Application of radial basis function neural networks to prediction of raw water quality parameters, 9. Int. Conf. SED 2016, Uzice, Serbia, 30 Sep.-01 Oct., 2016. (2.81 – 2.94), ISBN 978-86-83573-82-02, COBIS.SR-ID 227527948
- Milivojevic M., Forst Dj., Subotic Lj., Djokovic K., Assessment of raw water quality by using k-means clustering software, 9. Int. Conf. SED 2016, Uzice, Serbia, 30 Sep.-01 Oct., 2016. (2.53 – 2.63), ISBN 978-86-83573-82-02, COBIS.SR-ID 227527948
- Milivojević M., Obradović, S., Pot, M., Drndarevic D., Content-Based Recommender System for scientific publications, 11. Int. Conf. SED 2019, Science and higher education in function of sustainable development, Mecavnik-Drvengrad, Uzice, Serbia, 24-25 May, 2019. ISBN 978-86-83573-95-0, COBIS.SR-ID 277210636
- Milivojević, M., Obradović, S., Kaplarevic Malisic, A., Petrovic, S., Analysis of student dropout at Western Serbia Academy of applied studies: a clustering based approach, 12. Int. Conf. SED 2021, Science and higher education in function of sustainable development, Uzice, Serbia, 8th October 2021, ISBN 978-86-82078-11-1
Ostali podaci:
- Fields of interest: Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Topics: Object-oriented programming, Relational databases, Optimization, Design of Experiments-DOE, Regression models, regression analysis and applied statistics, Factor analysis-FA, Principal Component Analysis-PCA, Mathematical Modeling, Machine Learning with the focus on: Artificial Neural Networks-ANN, Genetic Algorithms-GА, Particle Swarm Optimization-PSO, Data Mining, Clustering, Outlier detection, Missing Values handling, Recommender Systems …
- Honours and awards: o Holder of the “Vuk Karadžić” diploma (awarded to best students of each generation), and the “Mihailo Petrović – Alas” diploma, awarded for excellence in mathematics (Gymnasium in Uzice) o During the studies twice awarded with the “Best student of the generation” award given by the University of Belgrade. o Member of the team of experts awarded second place at VERBUND Innovation Challenge 2017, organized by largest Austrian electricity provider, for the proposed DEVONNA innovation—a software solution for near real-time dam health monitoring based on neural networks and genetic algorithms, capable of operating in circumstances of permanent structural changes and occasional failures of measuring equipment. o Member of the team of experts awarded the Horizon 2020 (EU framework programme for research and innovation) Seal of Excellence certified by European Commission for the project proposal “Dam health assessment based on evolving artificial neural networks – DEVONNA”, which is based on the PhD thesis. o Member of the team of finalists in the competition “Open Data. Open Opportunities. Open Data Challenge: Smart Cities / Environment” organized by the United Nations Development Programme and the Office for Information Technologies and e-Government of the Republic of Serbia, with the project proposal: Development of digital, IoT paradigm for distributed and continuous measurement of air pollution in the city of Uzice and creation of predictive pollution models. Belgrade, 2019. o Member of the team of experts awarded the Horizon 2020 reward and grant for the SMART4ALL KTE (knowledge transfer experiment) – artWater project (Call Reference N°: H2020-DT-2018-2020). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 872614.
- Scientific publications, projects, technical solutions, and membership in scientific committees: • Published 4 papers in SCI list journals (М22, М21/М21a, М21/М21a, М21/М22) and over 70 papers in international and domestic scientific journals and conferences. • Participated in the realization of several scientific projects (ref. G) (10 projects) /TEMPUS, DAAD, KTE… / and technical solutions (4 tech solutions). • Chairman of the IT Board of the Uzice Regional Chamber of Commerce (2006-2022). • Member of the programme committee, and a reviewer for the fields of computer science and mathematics at the SED 2017, 2019, 2021 International scientific conferences, ASSZS Uzice. • Reviewer for SCI list journals and conferences: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems.
- List of published papers, publications, projects, and technical solutions PhD thesis and MSc thesis PhD thesis: Methods for development and adaptation of regression models based on genetic algorithms Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, 2016. MSc thesis: Contribution to mathematical modeling of multifactorial processes and systems based on central, compositional experimental plans (Design of Experiment) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, 1996.
- Projects d1. Project: “SMART4ALL KTE (knowledge transfer experiment) – artWater” (Call Reference N°: H2020-DT-2018-2020). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 872614. (2021.) d2. Program: Interreg ADRIONA, Project: StrengtHening Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Processes in GreEn Sea MobiliTy secTors – SHIPmEnTT, project partner for the Republic of Serbia: Zlatibor Regional Development Agency (2018-2020). d3. Project: “Grančarevo” dam, Security Management System, book 7/ Theoretical basis and algorithms for quality control and statistical modeling of measured technical data, Institute for the Development of Water Resources “Jaroslav Černi”, Faculty of Engineering—University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science—University of Kragujeva, Faculty of Civil Engineering—University of Belgrade, and „Vodéna” doo—Kragujevac, 2018. d4. Project: Monitoring the stability and functionality of the intake-discharge tunnel of the pumped storage plant “Bajina Bašta”. Methodology for statistical modeling of water losses and seepage for the intake-discharge tunnel, for the period 2005-2017, Institute for the Development of Water Resources “Jaroslav Černi”, Faculty of Engineering—University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science—University of Kragujeva, Faculty of Civil Engineering—University of Belgrade, and „Vodéna” doo—Kragujevac, 2017. d5. Project: SMART INNO – Intelligent Network and Sustainable Innovation Cluster to Increase SME Competitiveness in the Adriatic Region through Strengthening R and D and Innovation Activities, Project Partner for the Republic of Serbia: Zlatibor Regional Development Agency (2013-2016.) d6. DAAD project: Artificial Neural Network modelling of silver nanoparticle formation after thermal decomposition of an aerosol / ANN-NanoAg, RWTH Aachen University, IME Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling (Project leaders Prof. Bernd Friedrich / PhD Eng. Srecko Stopic) and Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac (Project leader, PhD Boban Stojanovic) (2012-2013.) d7. TEMPUS project, No: 517153-TEMPUS-1-201 1-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPGR, CONGRAD – Conducting graduate surveys and improving alumni services for enhanced strategic management and quality improvement, Registration number: 517153 // Institutional Coordinator (2011-2014.) d8. TEMPUS project, No: 517200- TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BE TEMPUS-SMGR, Establishing and capacity building of the Southern Serbian Academy and National Conference for Vocational Higher Education in Serbia ECBAC, Registration number: 517200 (2011-2015.) d9. TEMPUS project, No: 511044-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-UK-JPCR: Modernisation of Post-Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Chemistry Related Programmes (MCHEM), Registration number: 511044-2010 (2010-2013.) d10. Project “CIIS (Computer Integrated Information System) of the Aluminum Mill Sevojno” in the period 1996-2000, Project leader
- Worked as an assistant (1991-1995.) at the Department of Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Robotics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade.
- Managed the Computer center of the Aluminum Rolling Mill in Sevojno, (1996-2000) and managed the CIIS Seval project (Computer Integrated Information System SEVAL)
- During the period 1997-2017. within the Olimpija, Užice worked part-time as a manager, instructor and lecturer in computer courses and seminars for over 6500 students
- Attended a large number of professional seminars in the IT domain (1997-2022)